New Cosmic Drone Playlist to Help you Relax
Enjoy 8 hours of blissful focus & relaxation...
Our new Playlist is inspired by our album, "Celestial Points: A Cosmic Drone Album," which is now available on all streaming platforms.
This is a great time of year to slow down, reflect, and lean into the darker, shorter days. Our society pushes us to treat every day like it is the same.
But it's not...
And the cosmos is always reminding us that everything is a cycle or a season.
In this season, we encourage you to embrace the shift, enjoy the stillness, and allow your inner voice to inspire you.
The new playlist is now available on Spotify, where you can stream endlessly to sink into that focused, relaxed state of bliss.
Sending you cosmic vibrations for a relaxing adventure in Inner Space.
Stream HERE or Listen below: